How Gatsby Works with GitHub Pages

The easiest way to push a gatsby app to github pages is using a package called gh-pages.

yarn add --dev gh-pages

GitHub repository page

Add a deploy script to package.json

        scripts: {
            "deploy": "gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public",

We are using prefix paths because our website is inside a folder so we need to add pathPrefix to gatsby-config.js

    pathPrefix: "/reponame"

When you run yarn run deploy all contents of public folder will be moved to your repositorys gh-pages branch.

GitHub Organization or User page

First thing is to create a repository which should be named

In this case we dont need to specify pathPrefix, but our website needs to be pushed to master branch.

        scripts: {
            "deploy": "gatsby build && gh-pages -d public -b master",

After running yarn run deploy you should see your website at

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